Level 1 East Coast Swing classes start this Sunday!
* 5:00-6:00 PM - Beginner East Coast Swing @ the Martin Batchelor Gallery downtown. $50 general/$25 for full-time students.
* 6:00-7:00 PM Swing Guided Practice - work on what you've learned in class with an instructor present to answer questions. $5 general/$2 students.
Space is limited! To register send us an email at swingitvictoria ((at)) ymail.com and come on out and Swing It!!
Also, if the Sunday time and/or location don't work for you, we have a Thursday night small-group class scheduled to start in a few weeks.
* 7:15-8:15 PM - (Nov. 17-Dec. 15th) Beginner East Coast Swing @ the Oaklands Studio near Hillside Mall. $50 general/$25 for full-time students. (6 Students Maximum)
Further classes will be added as these fill up!